Joker is about to be attacked by Melissa and Kaden(diane and chads 16 year old son)and guess what? By my calculations, one will win. What's next?!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
What the shit?o.O
So I guess Chad isn't with Cam. I guess he really is with Diane and so far he's stayed faithful. Haha lets see how well that works out.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
The new guy…
Okay well there us a new guy. Hus nane is Chad. He isn't a good guy…how ironic-.-but he tries to trick people into thinking he's a good guy. Whatever you ………DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!!I don't know what breed he is and I have to post pics later. Well this is really important. Ill also post a profile of hm later. Deuces.
Read bitchez
Helli bloggers! D.j here:) so I am officially the main person of this body. Congratufreakinlations to me :D well..I hope nothing bad happens today. A lot has happened over summer. A lot if bad things. Just think of what's gunna happen in high school?? Been there, done thay. I'm 21 freakin years old haha anywho, I'm out. Deuces!