Saturday, March 31, 2012

Night after she married  Death

Night before she married death

night after she married death

Night and Death now

(Just to throw somethng into the night and Death situation)Joker(purple hair)and Jokers brtoerh Rasta(Redish hari)

Night and Death when they first met

You wonder how niight changes people from being evil and twisted,to nice and sincere...this is death after they got married

This is death before they got married

This is night before they got married

This is Night as a child

This is them at there wedding(she must have been heavy)

Night before they got married

Night after they got married
Do you see whats happened to her?And do you see whats happened to death?Remember how Night was sweet,and how death was evil?Well now Death is sweet and night is evil....If you dont get it through the pictures and soon enough, youll get it.....

Friday, March 30, 2012

Ok so here are the fruits basket characters names:
Toruh HondaTohru Honda Main House.jpg
Yuki Sohma8a6427e55efd50 full.jpg
KyoKyo-kun 02.jpg
ShigureShi Sohma.jpg
Momiji01 Sohma Momiji.jpg
HatoriHatori Sohma.jpg
AyameAyame Sohma.jpg
KisaKisa-san 01.jpg
HiroHiro Sohma.jpg
KurenoKureno Sohma.jpg

Monday, March 26, 2012

Ok so all you people who dont know about the fuckin secret.Yes it may sound insaine but trust me it isnt.Do you beleive in like ghosts and magic and shit like that?Well yah,we can morph into diffrent things and we know how to use magic and have people possess our bodies.Oh and another thing,the coolest thing of all,we can animate people from shows  like animes or real shows like you know what I mean?Reality shows and shit like that.Ok so do you belei9ve me?wanna know what shows we have animateed people from?Inuyahsa, bleach, Fruits Basket, Oran Highschool and Black Cat.Isnt it fucking kool how we can do all that shit?!?!!?HELLZ YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh and p.s Blackrose and Windstorm, dont get mad,these fools dont know who we are ;)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

 Aww isnt this so cute?I spotted Windstorm and Sustripe when they first kissed.....It was so romantic and sweet....Im glad there married now ^.^
You guys remeber Night right?well becuase she fell in love with Death(ill post a pic of him to)she now looks liie thispretty but evil and death looks like this:
 yah he dosnt look tht intimadating but he is.He is Dangers Brother and Is Like 10 times stronger than victor qand whats-her-face put together...scary but true.Alot of girls have crushes on him but hes mean to them...I dont get makes no sec=nce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Friday, March 16, 2012

Ok so for all you who need training.My name Is D.j and I am the highest trainer you will ever find.Im training nearly 300,000
comment if ypu want  me to train you:)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

This is D.j in Hell form. It sucks to know your a monster and then
to realize that no one likes you..........
And when ever you see this..think of..
no not this but.
this or even the cutest
this is D.J when he is in human form :3
Serves you right asshole-.--D.J

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

the one with the hat is Joker, the smallest one iwth susspenders is Alex(Jokers brother),the super blonde one is dawnstripe and the one with red pants is Sunstripe.they all are hottttttttXD but I have more pics to show you all
The one with blonde hair that isnt waving, Is windstorm(Sunstripes mate),the one with brown hair is night,the one with black hair is Erica(Alexs girlfriend)and the last one is jokers ex-girlfriend.This was when they were younger..when there older.......
Erica...alex ur a lucky man;) of the original owners of the body.
This is windstorm(Sunstripes mate)DAYUMM DUDE