the one with the hat is Joker, the smallest one iwth susspenders is Alex(Jokers brother),the super blonde one is dawnstripe and the one with red pants is Sunstripe.they all are hottttttttXD but I have more pics to show you all

The one with blonde hair that isnt waving, Is windstorm(Sunstripes mate),the one with brown hair is night,the one with black hair is Erica(Alexs girlfriend)and the last one is jokers ex-girlfriend.This was when they were younger..when there older.......

Erica...alex ur a lucky man;)

Night..one of the original owners of the body.

This is windstorm(Sunstripes mate)DAYUMM DUDE
i do not dress like that!
neither do i. but their boys
oh Erica i just remembered, *gives a ticket to Erica* me and night won three tickets while pretending to fight in a bar full of rich guys :) the jello trick always works, you know what i mean? hahawell do u wanna come or not?
o.o these usally cost 400$ each? how the hell did you get three?!? yes ill go! im not passing an oppertunnaty like this.
i little shirt ripping never hurts =) it was worth losing one or two shirts cause we got V.I.P.! im glad your gonna join the party
wait that one is a "double timer"....that means two peolpe for one ticket!! FIRST CLASS!? no way!! im totally going!
so we have an extra spot.. shall we call up our old friend?
her?...HELL YES!
-Night & Erica
lets all go ready for a night on the town kittys!
no. lets get ready for a night in first class, v.i.p., at Viva Las Vegas baby!!
Viva! Las Vegas! Viva! Viva! Las, Vegas!!! i know this guy that owns a spa & restruant there. he'll let me in for free! and you guys too, he gives out the BEST messages and makes the best cocktail's and margarita's... he will have so many other bonus things in store for us....hes an old friend ... high school... realllyyyy gooood times...* voices fade out while they walk away*
Wow you look surprised now dont you?