Monday, April 30, 2012
So i have officially given up. I took the whore out of Seven. He is no longer a whoreXD Coden is smarter amazingly.He is like super non-retarded..well bye I guess
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
So I have decided to stay a girl :) XD and im like sooooooooooooooo supah bred right now. I just got done with Hillers homework much writing O.O well peace out wiggas for now ^.^
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Okay So I Am pretyy pissed off right now. Seven is not at all a good person, Sorry to say Windstorm. He stole My childrens souls and has them kept somewhere..I have been trying to get them back.If you know where Seven is, tell me and ill fuck his world up. Anywho, So lets check up on my life ^.^ okay so my dad thinks I am totally insaine because I tolod him Seven was in my room. He stepped on Sevens foot XD Im gunna post more pics...hmm...Im thinking about getting my sex change when im 20, what do ya think? To younge? Nawww ..well here are some ppictures..
You cannot tell me these two arent twins XD
a mans sweet dream
this sweet angel has a summoner
Sweet Angels Summoner.
A small riddle was told to me.:When Fire and Ice collide, Ice will be realeased in the kingdome of The dammed, forbidden,lonly and hated.Fire shall be realeased into the kingdom of happyness, purity, friendlieness . All the creatures of good, will collide with bad. Watch out for the fire, exinguish it before its to late, and melt the ice that brings pain to us ass.
I Know that Seven is the fire but who is the ice?
This is The lustful Seven. He is suductive and is a womanizer. Be careful of him.
This is Sevens Opponent. Her name is Nine. Seven and Nine have number names because they both lived in Recorrectional camps. Nine possesses Audreys Body.
I Know that Seven is the fire but who is the ice?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
It takes controll of me and I cant help but feel..this sickening pain I shouldnt reveal..ive tried so hard to tell people but they never listen..Death is the only thing I feel like going to..Its like he haunts me and tourchures me from the inside out..He laughs at my pain and the tears that I cry. He has no feelings and he makes me wan to kill my self..Im on his list and I feel like im next..but he wouldnt do that because thats what I want...he feels that being dead would make me he wants me to live on this tourchurouse land..everytime I try to explain something,I break down in tears...He laughs at my pain....I see things and here things that no one can..Sometimes I seem like im talking to myself, but im not..these people that humans or any other creature cant see, I can..they make me feel like I have something to live for. They live with me and they give me advice..they help me with problems that humans cannot..My dad walked in my room and he sttod at the door for who knows how long..he asked me who I was talking to and I told him my friend. He told me that there was no one there and I was like,"As far as you know. His name is Seven. He is trying to help me with an issue."He looked at me like I was insaine..I guarentee yiou I am not...
Wow, seriously Windstorm? Calm your tits. I was told that so shut the fuck up Seriously, just cuzz your arms are all fucked up DOSE NOT mean you can be bitch to everyone, and about the pictures, the one in the snow, IS Fatal and Angelica!And the one you said wasnt Windstorm, IS Windstorm, true story bro. Im sick of all ur bullshit!Its annoying, get over yourself and stop taking your stupid anger out on people! Fuck!Im sick of ur smartass remarks, okay? Have a nice day, bye!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The moon shone bright as on the trail as I walked through the Forest Of Death. It was cold outside, maye about thirty degrees or a little below,but for some odd felt like it was summer time. There was a powerful wind that felt like cool water rushing over me. I felt powerfull..almost invincible. I heard wolves and dragons growling and laghing as they were calling a battle. I smiled. Bliss poured over me. This is my home and nothing could change that...not even- something inturuppted my thoughts. A threatning sent. Something was watching me.I turned and then I saw him. The mysteriouse guy that I saw at the Recorrectional camp. His Blood red eyes staring me down. I loved him. The last day of the Recorrectional camp, he kissed me because he thought It would be his last day ever seeing me.He was a player but I beleived I changed him.. I could have been wronge but being with him was so right.He stepped out of the bushes and said,"I thought I would never see you again."He went to hug me but I backed away."Something about you is diffrent...your power..what happened to you?"I didnt mean to say those words..In fac, I didnt realize what I said until I said it."The Recorrectional Camp experimented on me.I dont know what they did..but I havent been the same since then."He spoke with his eyes on me. He didnt studder or flinch, he just stood there as though he was glued to the floor."Experimented?Like...they gave you powers?"I asked him."Kinda.. more like they made me there puppet. I should leave."
"Because I dont want to hurt you.."
"Hurt me? Why would you hurt me?Did they really experiment on you that much to where you think your going to kill me?!"
"No!They programmed me so that I would kill anyone who escaped the Reccorectional Camp!"My eyes widened in fear."You have to kill me?"I asked as my heart cracked."Yes...thats why I should leave."He said to me with his eyes full of pain."No!No!You cant leave me!Not agai-"He stopped me with a kiss, but something was wronge. His kiss was making me feel cold instead of warm like the last time he kissed me. I felt almost lifeless. I pushed him away with all my strength."What the hell Luner!"And at that, I slapped his right across his face."Something wronge with a kiss?"He asked, his eyes going dark,almost black. Now I really knew something was wronge. I remembered his last kiss. He had white eyes then..not blood red."Sealed with a kiss..You tried to kill me!How could you Luner?!"He took out his sword, one of the strongest in the world and held it out."I told you, but like your mother, you didnt listen."I looked at him. Strange though, I wasnt scared."My mother? What dose she have to do with this?!You need to leave."I told him as anger crossed paths with me."Your like your mother is what I meant,Luna I already told you I had to didnt listen and for that, you must pay."
"Pay?!What the hell happened to you?Wheres the luner I knew..?"
"I already fucking told you!"He ran at me and stabbed me with his sword in my arm.I felt the warm blood from my body seep onto my skin and drop to the floor. My life seemed to flash before me eyes.Is this is?Is this how my life is going to end?In the hands of my first love?All I could here is my blood falling to the floor...Drip..Drip...Drip. I looked up into his eyes and whispered a spell under my breath that my mother had taught me.I closed my eyes and then opened them. He was gone but my arm was still bleeding."Do you think that spell worked?"I jumped at the sound of his voice."N-no!Why would I think that?!"He looked at me and started to circle me."Because you seem a little jumpy.How long do you think it will take for you to realize your slowly losing conciousness Luna?"After he had said that, I was starting to lose conciousness.I was looking him in the eyes."Stop..hypmotising me you bastard!"I broke the hypnosis and I ran at him. With att my power combined, I smashed into him. He flew. Like not a couple feet, more like a t a hundred miles an hour straight into the brick wall.I heard cracking noises and he was there in front of me once again."Why wont you fucking die!?!?!Die mother fucker die!!"I screamed at him."Oh Luna, learn your boundries, your nothing compared to me."He smiled a demented one and I laughed."You think your so stronge ,huh?Well, youve got another thing commin becuase I know one weakness every man falls to."He looked at me and said,"And that would be?"I loked at him with a smile,"Here, allow me to show you!"I kicked him as hard as I could kick right in his balls.He fell to the floor in more pain than Ive ever seen."Easy says as easy goes. I realize this wont be our last fight Luner, but thats okay."I squatted down to look him in the eyes but he was passed out. I kicked him about 5,000 miles an hour right in his nuts and he was out cold. I poked his face, he didnt even flinch.I stood up,smiled and left...
"Because I dont want to hurt you.."
"Hurt me? Why would you hurt me?Did they really experiment on you that much to where you think your going to kill me?!"
"No!They programmed me so that I would kill anyone who escaped the Reccorectional Camp!"My eyes widened in fear."You have to kill me?"I asked as my heart cracked."Yes...thats why I should leave."He said to me with his eyes full of pain."No!No!You cant leave me!Not agai-"He stopped me with a kiss, but something was wronge. His kiss was making me feel cold instead of warm like the last time he kissed me. I felt almost lifeless. I pushed him away with all my strength."What the hell Luner!"And at that, I slapped his right across his face."Something wronge with a kiss?"He asked, his eyes going dark,almost black. Now I really knew something was wronge. I remembered his last kiss. He had white eyes then..not blood red."Sealed with a kiss..You tried to kill me!How could you Luner?!"He took out his sword, one of the strongest in the world and held it out."I told you, but like your mother, you didnt listen."I looked at him. Strange though, I wasnt scared."My mother? What dose she have to do with this?!You need to leave."I told him as anger crossed paths with me."Your like your mother is what I meant,Luna I already told you I had to didnt listen and for that, you must pay."
"Pay?!What the hell happened to you?Wheres the luner I knew..?"
"I already fucking told you!"He ran at me and stabbed me with his sword in my arm.I felt the warm blood from my body seep onto my skin and drop to the floor. My life seemed to flash before me eyes.Is this is?Is this how my life is going to end?In the hands of my first love?All I could here is my blood falling to the floor...Drip..Drip...Drip. I looked up into his eyes and whispered a spell under my breath that my mother had taught me.I closed my eyes and then opened them. He was gone but my arm was still bleeding."Do you think that spell worked?"I jumped at the sound of his voice."N-no!Why would I think that?!"He looked at me and started to circle me."Because you seem a little jumpy.How long do you think it will take for you to realize your slowly losing conciousness Luna?"After he had said that, I was starting to lose conciousness.I was looking him in the eyes."Stop..hypmotising me you bastard!"I broke the hypnosis and I ran at him. With att my power combined, I smashed into him. He flew. Like not a couple feet, more like a t a hundred miles an hour straight into the brick wall.I heard cracking noises and he was there in front of me once again."Why wont you fucking die!?!?!Die mother fucker die!!"I screamed at him."Oh Luna, learn your boundries, your nothing compared to me."He smiled a demented one and I laughed."You think your so stronge ,huh?Well, youve got another thing commin becuase I know one weakness every man falls to."He looked at me and said,"And that would be?"I loked at him with a smile,"Here, allow me to show you!"I kicked him as hard as I could kick right in his balls.He fell to the floor in more pain than Ive ever seen."Easy says as easy goes. I realize this wont be our last fight Luner, but thats okay."I squatted down to look him in the eyes but he was passed out. I kicked him about 5,000 miles an hour right in his nuts and he was out cold. I poked his face, he didnt even flinch.I stood up,smiled and left...
Hmmm..Somethings mysteriouse about Windstorms brothers...There so..unusual.I was talking to Seven and I asked him about his past. He had this odd look in his evey..not of sadness..but of they were evil in the past. The said,"I can't tell you." and that was it... Something about them is wronge...I know they are Fireheart and Willow's kids...but..I can't trust them.....there to...there to..unusaul..I mean we have unusual people but they are extreamly unusuall..well any next post will be about a story i'm writing...Ok but anywho. Firehearts last name is Divine and Willows last name is Lavine. it rhymes.......well..akward days...bye..
hmmm can you beleive these are Firehearts Offspring? I dont think so..there all soo either A. attractive orjust so FUCKING ADORABLE XDXDXDXDXDXD well...FAIR WARNING LADIES!!SEVEN IS A MAN WHORE!!!!!!!! But Arryn is shyish and Colton is Watchful. He takes somewhat care of Seven buthe takes alotof care of Arryn becauseArryn has a offence Seven .-. ..............A while ago, Fireheart was captured and they thought he ditched them. Seven thinks its to lateto start caring as a father for them but Colton adn Arryn dont think so..its asd, BUT so true.....byeerzzzzzzz 4NoW
Friday, April 20, 2012
Okay so Here is a guy named Seven.

D.jayy almost got Medow killed.....Good thing he didnt. He almost got his two kids killed also...Lucky him

Oh wow..Beenjii's eyes were severed into straightness as soon as he saw these two girls.Ones name is Ren and The other is something else...Beenjii was all like..Boobs....boobs...BOOBSXD
Erica was yelling at Alex and he kissed sweet
D.jayy adn Medow...there are getting married:3
Windstorm adn Sunstripe Lost memory of eachother about 5 minutes ago. They ooked at eachother and this is basically how it was..Windstorm looked like she wanted to kill him..

And Sunstripe looked like he just didnt care. Her anger obviously amused him

Fatal And Angelica ran away from home...for a kiss that could change there lifes..

Rasta did something to make Sasha cry but no one knows what it was..he was possessed by something and said the wronge thing...
Rasta afer the thing that possessed him left.He was so upset..
this puppys father,the one with the blood on him, tried his hardest to save him.But failed miserably and was killed...

By this black wolf.

This beauty is named Midnight Godess. She possesses Audreys Body. She is not a bitch and comes from a pack called Zetarah.

She has a darkside wich looks like this...

This is Ash. He is an Orphan pup and Midnight Godess takes care of him. He possesses my body.

Ash has a darkside wich looks like this

This is Melayah.Dont take her cutness for kindness because she with then..

she will turn into either this..

or this...
She will be possessing Christina's Body.
They all come from the same pack:Zetarah pack. Hmm..Dazekillers Son told me that it means Gorgeouse Nightmares but I could be wronge.. There is only three but they are the strongest people ever now. Midnight Godess. Ash. And Melayah. Midnight Godess is Latino as well as Melayah and Ash is Half Black and half white. they have all had terribble lives but they get through it..well bye..
D.jayy almost got Medow killed.....Good thing he didnt. He almost got his two kids killed also...Lucky him
Windstorm adn Sunstripe Lost memory of eachother about 5 minutes ago. They ooked at eachother and this is basically how it was..Windstorm looked like she wanted to kill him..
And Sunstripe looked like he just didnt care. Her anger obviously amused him
Fatal And Angelica ran away from home...for a kiss that could change there lifes..
Rasta did something to make Sasha cry but no one knows what it was..he was possessed by something and said the wronge thing...
Rasta afer the thing that possessed him left.He was so upset..
this puppys father,the one with the blood on him, tried his hardest to save him.But failed miserably and was killed...
By this black wolf.
This beauty is named Midnight Godess. She possesses Audreys Body. She is not a bitch and comes from a pack called Zetarah.
She has a darkside wich looks like this...
This is Ash. He is an Orphan pup and Midnight Godess takes care of him. He possesses my body.
Ash has a darkside wich looks like this
This is Melayah.Dont take her cutness for kindness because she with then..
she will turn into either this..
or this...
They all come from the same pack:Zetarah pack. Hmm..Dazekillers Son told me that it means Gorgeouse Nightmares but I could be wronge.. There is only three but they are the strongest people ever now. Midnight Godess. Ash. And Melayah. Midnight Godess is Latino as well as Melayah and Ash is Half Black and half white. they have all had terribble lives but they get through it..well bye..
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