I Know that Seven is the fire but who is the ice?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Okay So I Am pretyy pissed off right now. Seven is not at all a good person, Sorry to say Windstorm. He stole My childrens souls and has them kept somewhere..I have been trying to get them back.If you know where Seven is, tell me and ill fuck his world up. Anywho, So lets check up on my life ^.^ okay so my dad thinks I am totally insaine because I tolod him Seven was in my room. He stepped on Sevens foot XD Im gunna post more pics...hmm...Im thinking about getting my sex change when im 20, what do ya think? To younge? Nawww ..well here are some ppictures..
You cannot tell me these two arent twins XD
a mans sweet dream
this sweet angel has a summoner
Sweet Angels Summoner.
A small riddle was told to me.:When Fire and Ice collide, Ice will be realeased in the kingdome of The dammed, forbidden,lonly and hated.Fire shall be realeased into the kingdom of happyness, purity, friendlieness . All the creatures of good, will collide with bad. Watch out for the fire, exinguish it before its to late, and melt the ice that brings pain to us ass.
I Know that Seven is the fire but who is the ice?
This is The lustful Seven. He is suductive and is a womanizer. Be careful of him.
This is Sevens Opponent. Her name is Nine. Seven and Nine have number names because they both lived in Recorrectional camps. Nine possesses Audreys Body.
I Know that Seven is the fire but who is the ice?
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hmm, why does Six have a number name then????
Because he was in a recorectional camp probly