Wednesday, May 2, 2012

So my many lies and barracudas? no, hellish demons that arent from hell or heaven

So, if its not obviouse yet then it should be now..ive given up on everything including life..nothing seems real to me anymore..ive been lied to in the past hour more thsn just goes to show how many people wish they had the same gift as me but insted of just saying they are human, they completly lie about it..just goes to show you how many lers there literally intears and when I woke up from my dream last night, i was had a meaning to it..and i know what that meaning is..its about time is almost here but what will I die from? All I dream about is a hellish demon...not from hell but its like it was so evil, heaven nor hell wanted it...Im not going to live much why try?

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